
Restaurant specialising in traditional local cuisine in Bologna


Allergens - The customer is kindly requested to inform the wait staff of the need to consume food free of certain allergens before ordering. During cooking preparations, cross-contamination cannot be excluded. Therefore your dishes may contain allergenic substances within the meaning of EU Reg. 1169/11

- Dear customer, we would like to inform you that some products can be frozen at origin or frozen on site (by blast chilling) in compliance with self-control procedures pursuant to EC Reg. 852/04.

We therefore invite you to contact the room manager for all the information on the product you require.

Allergeni – Il cliente è pregato di comunicare al personale di sala la necessità di consumare alimenti privi di determinate sostanze

allergeniche prima dell’ordinazione. Durante le preparazioni in cucina, non sipossono escludere contaminazioni crociate.Pertanto

inostri piatti possono contenere le sostanze allergeniche ai sensi del Reg. UE 1169/11.

-Gentile cliente,la informiamo che alcuni prodotti possono essere surgelati all’origine o congelati in loco (mediante abbattimento

rapido di temperatura) rispettando le procedure diautocontrollo ai sensi del reg. CE 852/04.

La invitiamo quindi a volersi rivolgere al responsabile di sala per avere tutte le informazioni relative al prodotto che desiderate.

Are you allergic or intolerant to certain foods?

If you are intolerant or allergic to certain foods or ingredients and wish to receive an order at home or take it away, we recommend you call us to check their presence in the dishes chosen with our team

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